Message from the Headteacher
I am delighted that you have managed to find our website and hope that you will enjoy finding out about our school.
We recognise that starting school is an important time for the whole family and plan many opportunities throughout the year for parents and carers to come into school. These include family consultations, family read time, family assemblies, Christmas productions, work shares and family lunches. We have a very active and committed Parent/Teacher Association, which we call FAPS (Friends of Abacus Primary School) and our Parent Forum is in it's fifth year.
We are always looking to improve our provision in school and we write an annual School Development Plan, which takes into account opinions from all stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff and Governors). Our School Governors work closely with us and are responsible for directing the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards of educational achievement, our Parent Governors play an important role as members of this Governing Body.
Our website will give you an insight into what goes on at Abacus Primary School. However, in order to really appreciate the warm and friendly ethos amongst children, staff and parents, please feel welcome to come and visit- you will be made to feel very welcome.
Heidi Blakeley