Remote Learning
Remote Learning Provision During Self-isolation
(when school is open)
In the event of needing to self-isolate or household self-isolation, some children may have to be absent from school for up to 10 days. In this case, these children can access our Home learning provision providing they are well enough to do so. Please note we will not be providing individual work where a family are awaiting a Covid-19 test result.
Following the closing of a bubble, we will set up a class email account which will provide access for you and your child to regularly engage with school staff. We will send the address of the email account using our school text system. You can also communicate with school staff using the school text system and for SEN pupils and pupils in our Foundation stage, you will continue to have access to school staff through your child’s Tapestry account.
The majority of the lessons on the timetable are accessed using Oak Academy.
All year groups will have access to a daily Maths and English lesson.
Oak Academy activities only ever require you to write on a notepad or on a piece of paper. Other activities and worksheets are usually provided where children can save their answers electronically, some children may choose to do their work on a Word document.
There will be access to an assembly, which will be uploaded to our website and will use the Picture News posters, questions, and discussion points which children are familiar with using during our whole school assemblies.
There will be links uploaded to provide Physical activity opportunities. The intention is that children are taking part in physical activity and because of the nature of the sport/skill and resources this may not necessarily match the in-school topic. If, as a family, you wish to replace this with a long walk/some sports in the garden etc that is fine.
Any child who is absent from school with illness, but not Covid-19 are not expected to complete this learning. If they are absent, this means they are unwell and will need time, space, and sleep to recover.
Remember... Whilst we are encouraging the use of the Internet to enhance children's learning, we remind parents about the importance of online safety. If you have any concerns or need advice, please visit the NSPCC Online safety by clicking on their logo below.
If your child has difficulty accessing technology, please contact the school office and we will provide alternative paper based work.
Assembly Resources
During the Summer term of 2020, the Oak National Academy hosted a series of assemblies in partnership with TES. These were opportunities for us all to come together, hear from some inspirational guest speakers, and to think and talk about wider things affecting us.
If you click on the Assembly icon you can view their archived assemblies. There are no current plans for further assemblies, but that might change in the future.
Why do we need a Census?
What can we learn from Captain Sir Tom Moore?
Accelerated Reader, our quizzing website for reading, is a fantastic way to track reading progress. Make sure your child completes their quiz independently, only using the book to help them.
Times Table Rockstars is the BEST way to keep your child’s times table knowledge at the top of their game! With weekly battles to add a competitive element to their practice, this is a fab resource to use every day.
Sumdog, personalised maths & spelling practice that pupils love. Engage your pupils with adaptive learning and multi-player games. Aligned to all major curricula for ages 5 to 14, Sumdog is proven to accelerate progress.
Click on the company logo's above to access their websites.
Science & Nature
Live daily shows for your children to watch. This week is Garden week and the first topic is Garden birds.
Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children. Ideal for home, they encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering.
History lovers can use the link below to go an a virtual tour of various museums across the world:
Get moving!
'Dough Disco' is a fun activity which combines the use of play dough with a series of hand and finger exercises designed to improve fine muscle control. The movements develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye coordination and self-esteem.
Useful websties
Some useful websites to support our children's individual needs.