Welcome to Abacus Primary School
We are a community focused Primary School located in Wickford (Essex), accommodating 420 pupils, aged 4-11 years. We have been rated as a 'Good' school by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted).
We hope you enjoy looking at our website, and sharing in our daily learning journeys.
Our Mission Statement & Aims
Aspire Believe Achieve Create United Success
To be welcoming, friendly and caring, so that pupils feel secure, safe, happy and purposefully employed.
To provide a stimulating and varied curriculum.
To achieve high standards and expectations.
To provide access to an ICT rich environment.
To ensure children develop confidence, independence, self motivation,
concentration and high self esteem thus achieving their potential.
To inspire all who contribute to the life of the school to be successful.
Parents to be treated as partners in education, to be courteously received, listened to, fully informed and asked to use a similar code of conduct as that employed by the school.
To involve the community to participate in the life of the school.
To value one another in an ever changing world.
Our Curriculum
Here at Abacus Primary School, we are very proud of our curriculum. Click on the video below to view our curriculum showcase.
We are very proud of our curriculum here at Abacus Primary School. Our teaching staff carefully plan engaging and interesting lessons to capture our pupils' attention and support them to be confident learners and active participants in their learning. We teach a broad and balanced curriculum through topics that spark imaginative thought with the aim of enabling children to access their learning in a variety of ways and to retain the knowledge they have been taught.
Curriculum Drivers
Our key curriculum goals are based around four areas - or drivers - that we believe will best support our pupils as they move into the next stage of their academic career and, indeed, life. These four drivers are what we believe to be the most important factors that influence our planning and curriculum development, and are the vehicles for delivering our curriculum. Our drivers are clear and impactful for all stakeholders; we want our children to be aware of these drivers and to be able to recognise when these are influencing our school day. We promote these drivers in our classrooms so that our children are aware of their impact and importance.
Our curriculum drivers are as follows:
We work extremely hard to support our children's wellbeing - we offer an extensive range of nurturing opportunities and emotional support for our learners, both in the classroom environment and as interventions. Developing self-esteem, confidence and independence are so important, so we ensure that these are valued and celebrated throughout the school year. Our SENCO provides a wealth of knowledge and experience in these areas and all staff are fully trained in safeguarding procedures. We also have a school wellbeing mentor who holds intervention groups and before school sessions to support our pupils' wellbeing during school and before the school day starts.
We are passionate about increasing our children’s engagement in all curriculum areas, so we have designed our curriculum around topics that aim to excite and inspire our children. We strive to offer many exciting learning opportunities in each year group to capture their interest and spark their imaginations, through opportunities such as topic weeks, theme days, trips, ‘hooks’ and hands-on experiences. We use Kagan structures in all year groups to engage reluctant learners and to provide active learning opportunities for all. We also have class ‘curriculum journals’ that are used to record those “wow!” lessons and learning outside the classroom.
We believe that communication in all forms is a life skill that we want our children to learn and to be able to use confidently; after all, the very first step of everything we teach starts with the ability to communicate - to speak and to listen – effectively. We will promote this through emphasising subject specific vocabulary, encouraging the importance of verbalising ideas before putting them onto paper, active learning (e.g. active maths and Kagan structures) and making the most of opportunities for discussion and talk.
Our children, whilst eager to learn, have historically lacked confidence in making decisions for themselves without adult reassurance. We want our children to leave primary school with skills for life, such as problem solving and managing their own learning and individual needs. Our curriculum is designed around learning to learn skills, which provide children with opportunities to develop skills such as independence and resilience, and our subject leaders are developing our curriculum with this in mind.